Selasa, 08 November 2011

¤ Maha Parinirvana Sutra : catatan Mantra Maha Penolong Bencana ¤

「大般泥洹經」記載關于 “大救难咒”

Petikan Maha Parinirvana Sutra :

At that time, Marapapiyas [the Devil] of the world of desire with all his kindred demons and domestic females, and with his innumerable people, opened the gates of hell, sprinkled about pure water, and said: "You now have nothing to do. Only think of the Tathagata, the Alms-deserving, and the All-Enlightened One, take part in joy, and offer your last offerings. You now shall have a long night of peace." Then, Marapapiyas made away with all the big and small swords and the poison and pain of hell. He had rain fall and extinguish the burning fire. Through the Buddha’s power, he gained this state of mind. He made all his kindred demons throw away their big and small swords, bows, crossbows, armour, arms, halberds, shields, long hooks, metal hammers, axes, war chariots, and lassoos. What offerings they had were twice as many as those of man and heaven. Even the smallest of the parasols covered the middle-thousand world. They came to where the Buddha was, touched his feet with their heads, and said to him: "We now love and protect Mahayana. O World-Honoured One! Men and women in the world may, for the purpose of making offerings, out of fear, for reasons of cheating others, for profit, and for following others, accept this Mahayana, whether all of it is true or not true. We shall, then, in order to make away with the fear of such ones, enunciate the following Dharani : "Taki, tatarataki, rokarei, makarokarei, ara, shara, tara, shaka".

We chant this dharani, for the sake of those who have lost their courage, who may be entertaining fear, who preach for others, who pray that the Dharma shall not die out, who desire to crush out the tirthikas [deluded believers, non-Buddhists], for protecting one’s own self, for protecting the Wonderful Dharma, and for protecting Mahayana. Armed with this dharani, one [need] have no fear of a mad elephant, or when crossing wildernesses, marshy lands, or any precipitous places; there can be no fear of water, fire, lions, tigers, wolves, robbers, or kings. O World-Honoured One! Armed with such a dharani, none will have fear. We shall protect the person who has such a dharani, and he will be like a tortoise who guards his six limbs inside his shell. O World-Honoured One! We do not say this just to flatter. In truth, we will make things such that one armed with such a dharani will augment his power. Only we pray, O Tathagata! have pity and accept our last offerings." Then, the Buddha said to Marapapiyas: "I do not accept your offerings; I already have your dharani. This is to make all beings and the four classes of people of the Sangha rest in peace." So saying, the Buddha fell into silence and did not accept Marapapiyas’ offerings. Thrice Marapapiyas asked the Buddha to accept them, but the Buddha would not. At this, his wishes unanswered, Marapapiyas was sad, and stepped back, and sat on one side. At that time, there was present Mahesvararaja with his innumerable kindred and other devas. They carried in their vessels of offerings, which were far more than those of Brahma and Indra, and those of the guardian angels of the earth, men and devas, the eight beings, and non-humans. The preparations which Sakrodevendra had made looked like black against white as when the white of horse-shoe shell is taken up for comparison, and all glory disappears. Even the smallest of the bejewelled parasols covered the 3,000 great-thousand worlds.

「大般泥洹經」記載 :

爾 時天魔波旬與無量魔天女眾俱。即以神力普開一切諸地獄門。隨彼地獄眾生有所願樂皆給濟之。又復普告地獄眾生言。汝等。當念如來應供等正覺作最後隨喜。此是 汝等力所堪能修行福利。當令汝等長獲安樂。永得解脫地獄楚毒。以如來威神故。令魔波旬心轉調伏。 與眷屬俱皆悉莊嚴兵仗刀劍弓箭金鎚鉞斧罥索長鉤鬥戰眾具。地獄眾生長夜癡冥。遠離正法受諸苦痛。城郭門戶盛火熾然。興雲大雨令火悉滅。爾時地獄眾生離苦獲 安。離苦獲安已一一諸魔與其眷屬...。辦眾供具倍勝於前。來詣佛所稽首請佛。唯願世尊。哀受我供。受我供已。其有善男子善女人。稱摩訶衍名者若真若偽。我等皆當為是人等作無畏之護。而說是咒侘趐吒吒羅。佗趐魯樓麗。摩訶魯樓麗。阿邏。摩邏。多羅。
悉波呵是咒能令諸亂心者得深妙定。是咒能令諸恐怖者離諸恐怖。是咒能令為法師者辯才無斷。是咒悉能降伏外道。諸有能護正法者。為是咒所護如佩神。我此咒術所說誠諦。其有人能持此咒者。若在曠野凶害毒獸水火難等。若持若說眾難悉除如龜藏六。我等今日皆悉以離諸魔諂曲。惟 願世尊哀受我供。願并印可所說神咒。爾時世尊即告魔言。我不受汝飯食供養。為安隱一切眾生故。今當受汝神咒法施。如是三請。世尊亦三默然不受。時魔波旬及 魔天女。稽首佛足於一面住。復有大自在天王。與無量大力諸天子俱。放大光明遍照三千大千世界。梵釋諸天乃至阿修羅眾身諸光明悉蔽不現。辦眾供具倍勝於前。 華蓋光明遍照三千大千世界。百億日月悉如聚墨光明不現。

Tulisan Mantra Maha Penolong Bencana oleh Maha Guru :
Ta Ce Ca Ca La, Ta Ce Lu Lo Li, Mo Ho Lu Lo Li, A La, Mo La, Tola, Soha
师尊亲笔 “大救难咒”

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